Union Jack Oil West Newton Community Update

Union Jack Oil

Union Jack Oil plc (LON:UJO), a UK focused onshore hydrocarbon production, development and exploration company, has today noted that Rathlin Energy (UK) Limited, the Operator of PEDL183, communicated the following to local residents as part of its participation in the West Newton Community Liaison Group.  Union Jack holds a 16.665% interest in this licence, containing the West Newton A-1 discovery well and the recent successful West Newton A-2 conventional appraisal well.

“We hope you and your families are safe, healthy and managing under the current circumstances.

This update is to let you know that we are moving our programme of works forward, in line with the latest government and public health guidance on Covid-19. We continue to follow the advice closely.

West Newton A

We secured a permit variation from the Environment Agency on Friday 24 April 2020. This enables us to recommence our well test using a pumpjack (nodding donkey) and a smaller incinerator unit. Once the required personnel and equipment are available the testing operations will recommence.

West Newton B

Pre-construction works started during the week commencing 6 April 2020. To date, additional land drainage has been installed in the affected fields. Two water monitoring boreholes, which are a condition associated with our West Newton B Environment Agency permit, have also been installed and baseline sampling will be undertaken.

On 4 May 2020, work commenced on the construction of the West Newton B access track. This activity is the subject of an archeological watching brief and is expected to take five to six weeks.

Road closures, agreed by East Riding of Yorkshire Council, have been instated for safety reasons on Pasture Lane. Our traffic management plan for the construction phase of operations is now in effect and works are restricted to Monday to Saturday between the hours of 07:00 and 18:00.

In due course, site construction works will commence on the West Newton B drilling site. This work will include a full archeological strip, map and record study, following which, site construction will begin. The site construction works are anticipated to take between five and six weeks.

Drilling of the West Newton B-1 well will commence following the completion of the access track and site construction activities and the conductor setting operations.

During the course of these operations, we will keep our community neighbours informed of our activities through website updates, the West Newton Liaison Committee and other periodic notices. We are, of course, available to address any questions or concerns.”

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