Pantheon Resources Plc 406.0% potential upside indicated by Canaccord Genuity

Broker Ratings

Pantheon Resources Plc with ticker (LON:PANR) now has a potential upside of 406.0% according to Canaccord Genuity.


Canaccord Genuity set a target price of 85 GBX for the company, which when compared to the Pantheon Resources Plc share price of 17 GBX at opening today (06/09/2024) indicates a potential upside of 406.0%. Trading has ranged between 15 (52 week low) and 46 (52 week high) with an average of 7,206,615 shares exchanging hands daily. The market capitalisation at the time of writing is £181,867,893.

Pantheon Resources plc is a United Kingdom-based independent oil and gas company. The Company has a 100% working interest in the Kodiak and Ahpun projects, collectively spanning about 193,000 contiguous acres in close proximity to pipeline and transportation infrastructure on Alaska’s North Slope (ANS). Its primary assets are two oilfields known as Ahpun and Kodiak, which are the discovered oil projects across the discovery and appraisal wells of Pipeline State, Alkaid-1, Talitha-A, Theta West-1 and Alkaid-2. The Ahpun Field underlies the Alkaid and Talitha Units and incorporates the oil reservoirs between the regional top seal and the deeper Hue Shale. Kodiak Field underlies the Theta West/Chimney areas and the Talitha Unit and is effectively one basin floor below the Hue Shale and above the HRZ shale. These assets are immediately underneath and adjacent to the Trans Alaska Pipeline System (TAPS) main oil line and the Dalton Highway.

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