The share price for Smurfit Kappa Group Plc ticker code: LON:SKG has gained 3.33% or 84 points during the course of today’s session so far. Traders have stayed positive during this period. The periods high figure was 2608 and hitting a low of 2518. Volume total for shares traded during this period was 139,423 with the daily average number around 393,545. A 52 week share price high is 3218 around 696 points difference from the previous close and the 52 week low at 1915 a difference of some 607 points. Smurfit Kappa Group Plc now has a 20 SMA at 2492.12 with a 50 day moving average now of 2543.64. The market capitalisation currently stands at £6,667.11m at the time of this report. The currency for this stock is Great British pence.Market cap is measured in GBP. This article was written with the last trade for Smurfit Kappa Group Plc being recorded at Friday, September 6, 2019 at 12:02:28 PM GMT with the stock price trading at 2606 GBX.
Shares of Union Jack Oil PLC company symbol: LON:UJO has risen 5.1% or 0.01 points during the course of today’s session so far. Buyers have remained positive during this period. The periods high has reached 0.27 and a low of 0.26. The total volume of shares traded by this point was 26,299,912 whilst the average number of shares exchanged is 177,144,321. The 52 week high price for the shares is 0.38 about 0.12 points in difference on the previous days close and a 52 week low being 0.08 which is a difference of 0.18 points. Union Jack Oil PLC has a 20 SMA of 0.31 and now the 50 day SMA of 0.27. Market capitalisation for the company is £31.85m at the time of this report. The share price is in Great British pence. Mcap is measured in GBP. This article was written with the last trade for Union Jack Oil PLC being recorded at Friday, September 6, 2019 at 11:56:31 AM GMT with the stock price trading at 0.27 GBX.
The trading price for Vodafone Group plc company symbol: LON:VOD has moved up 1.07% or 1.64 points in today’s trading session so far. Buyers have so far held a positive outlook throughout the session. Range high for the period so far is 155.62 dropping as low as 153.06. Volume total for shares traded at this point reached 9,062,338 with the daily average at 84,469,119. The 52 week high for the shares is 171.78 which is 18.06 points in difference on the previous days close and a 52 week low being 122.22 which is a variance of 31.5 points. The market cap now stands at £41,592.52m at the time of this report. The currency for this stock is Great British pence.Market cap is measured in GBP. This article was written with the last trade for Vodafone Group plc being recorded at Friday, September 6, 2019 at 12:05:07 PM GMT with the stock price trading at 155.36 GBX.