The stock price for ImmuPharma PLC with ticker code: LON:IMM has climbed 5.91% or 0.65 points during today’s session so far. Investors have stayed positive during the session. The period high was 11.9 and a low of 11.35. The number of shares traded by this point in time totalled 624,486 with the daily average traded share volume around 257,131. The stock 52 week high is 190.8 equating to 179.8 points different to the previous business close and a 52 week low sitting at 9.06 which is a difference of 1.94 points. ImmuPharma PLC has a 20 SMA of 11.06 with a 50 day moving average now at 12.1. The market capitalisation currently stands at £16.25m at the time of this report. The stock is traded in GBX. Mcap is measured in GBP. This article was written with the last trade for ImmuPharma PLC being recorded at Thursday, January 31, 2019 at 11:58:03 AM GMT with the stock price trading at 11.65 GBX.
Shares of AstraZeneca plc company symbol: LON:AZN has moved up 1.17% or 64 points during today’s session so far. Buyers have stayed positive while the stock has been in play. The high for the period has reached 5555 dipping to 5471. The total volume of shares traded by this point was 823,563 while the average shares exchanged is 2,613,496. The 52 week high for the shares is 6432.48 which is 968.48 points in difference on the previous days close and a 52 week low being 4544.5 making a difference of 919.5 points. AstraZeneca plc now has a 20 moving average of 5716.5 and now its 50 day moving average now of 5939.04. The market cap now stands at £70,041.94m at the time of this report. The share price is in GBX. Mcap is measured in GBP. This article was written with the last trade for AstraZeneca plc being recorded at Thursday, January 31, 2019 at 12:03:25 PM GMT with the stock price trading at 5528 GBX.
Shares of SSE PLC EPIC code: LON:SSE has increased 1.25% or 14.5 points during today’s session so far. Investors have remained optimistic throughout the trading session. The period high has peaked at 1175.65 and hitting a low of 1155. The number of shares traded by this point in time totalled 958,399 with the daily average traded share volume around 3,725,246. A 52 week high for the stock is 1449.5 about 291.5 points in difference on the previous days close and a 52 week low being 1026.5 a difference of some 131.5 points. SSE PLC has a 20 SMA of 1134.75 and a 50 day simple moving average now at 1111.84. The current market capitalisation is £12,036.15m at the time of this report. The share price is in Great British pence. Mcap is measured in GBP. This article was written with the last trade for SSE PLC being recorded at Thursday, January 31, 2019 at 12:03:07 PM GMT with the stock price trading at 1172.5 GBX.
The share price for Rio Tinto plc ticker lookup code: LON:RIO has climbed 1.44% or 59.5 points during the course of today’s session so far. Investors have remained positive while the stock has been in play. The high for the period has peaked at 4207.5 and hitting a low of 4137.5. The volume total for shares traded up to this point was 1,364,924 with the daily average number around 4,145,274. The 52 week high price for the shares is 4541 about 407.5 points different to the previous business close and a 52 week low sitting at 3460 making a difference of 673.5 points. Rio Tinto plc has a 20 day moving average of 3918.45 and the 50 day moving average of 3808.15. Market capitalisation for the company is £53,326.85m at the time of this report. The stock is traded in GBX. Mcap is measured in GBP. This article was written with the last trade for Rio Tinto plc being recorded at Thursday, January 31, 2019 at 12:03:22 PM GMT with the stock price trading at 4193 GBX.
Shares of Mediclinic International PLC found using EPIC: LON:MDC has gained 2.37% or 7.5 points during today’s session so far. Traders seem confident during the session. The periods high has already touched 325.6 and hitting a low of 315.6. The amount of shares exchanged has so far reached 202,817 while the daily average number of shares exchanged is 1,190,092. The 52 week high price for the shares is 712.4 about 395.3 points difference from the previous days close and the 52 week low at 293.1 a difference of some 24 points. Mediclinic International PLC now has a 20 SMA of 327.56 and a 50 day simple moving average now at 336.03. The market capitalisation currently stands at £2,393.09m at the time of this report. The share price is in GBX. Mcap is measured in GBP. This article was written with the last trade for Mediclinic International PLC being recorded at Thursday, January 31, 2019 at 12:02:21 PM GMT with the stock price trading at 324.6 GBX.
The stock price for NMC Health PLC with company EPIC: LON:NMC has risen 1.88% or 48 points throughout the session so far. Investors have remained positive during the trading session. The period high has peaked at 2618 and hitting a low of 2570. Volume total for shares traded at this point reached 169,224 with the daily average traded share volume around 802,375. The 52 week high for the share price is 4376 some 1826 points difference from the previous days close and putting the 52 week low at 2508 making a difference of 42 points. NMC Health PLC has a 20 day moving average of 2790.6 and the 50 day moving average of 3013.15. The current market cap is £5,409.31m at the time of this report. The stock is traded in GBX. Mcap is measured in GBP. This article was written with the last trade for NMC Health PLC being recorded at Thursday, January 31, 2019 at 12:02:02 PM GMT with the stock price trading at 2598 GBX.