Kenmare Resources plc (LON:KMR, ISE:KMR), one of the leading global producers of titanium minerals and zircon, which operates the Moma Titanium Minerals Mine in northern Mozambique, announced that it is hosting a site visit for analysts and investors at Moma on 12-13 May 2022.
During these two days, the group will visit Moma’s two mining operations: Namalope, where Wet Concentrator Plant (“WCP”) A and WCP C are mining, and Pilivili, a new high grade ore zone that WCP B began mining in Q4 2020. They will also visit the Nataka ore zone, where WCP A is expected to commence mining in 2025.
The visit will include a tour of the Rotary Uninterruptible Power Supply project, which is expected to improve power stability at the Mineral Separation Plant and make a significant contribution to Kenmare’s goal of further reducing its greenhouse gas emissions by 12% by 2024. The group will also visit Kenmare’s dedicated export facilities, the dune rehabilitation area and some of the community initiatives supported by the Kenmare Moma Development Association (KMAD), a not-for-profit organisation established by Kenmare in 2004.
The site visit presentation is below and available for download: