KEFI Minerals plc (LON: KEFI), the AIM-quoted gold exploration and development company with projects in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, has today stated that Harry Anagnostaras-Adams, Executive Chairman, will be delivering a presentation to investors at the SVS Securities and UK Investor Magazine investor evening on Thursday 18 July 2019 at the Skinners Hall, 8½ Dowgate Hill, London EC4R 2SP, which commences at 6:00pm (for registration) until 11:00pm.
Those wishing to register for this complimentary event may do so through the following link:
A copy of the presentation will be available to investors on the evening and will be available to view on the Company’s website shortly after the event.
KEFI Minerals plc is focused primarily on the advanced Tulu Kapi Gold Project development project in Ethiopia, along with its pipeline of other projects within the highly prospective Arabian-Nubian Shield. KEFI targets that production at Tulu Kapi generates cash flows for capital repayments, further exploration and expansion as warranted and, when appropriate, dividends to shareholders.