Jyske Realkredit expands its Executive Board
With effect from 1 June 2023, Anders Lund Hansen is appointed Director and member of the Executive Board of Jyske Realkredit (JYSKF). Anders Lund Hansen, MBA, is 50 years old and has for the past five years been Head of Jyske Realkredit’s Securities Division and part of the management of Group Treasury of the Jyske Bank Group.
Carsten Tirsbæk Madsen, CEO and Director, states in connection with the appointment of Anders Lund Hansen:
”The overall competence of the Executive Board with respect to funding will be strengthened with the appointment of Anders Lund Hansen. Funding is crucial for a mortgage credit institution which is also reflected in increasingly complex regulation. The correlation to the ESG agenda, including the ambition to a considerable extent to use mortgage bonds for the green transition, underlines the importance of the funding side also with respect to the development of the business.”