Ilika Plc (LON:IKA), a pioneer in solid-state battery technology and materials innovation, will hold its Annual General Meeting at 2pm today at the offices of Eversheds LLP, One Wood Street, London, EC2V 7WS. Ahead of the formal proceedings Graeme Purdy, Chief Executive of Ilika, will provide the following update to shareholders:
“We are pleased to report that the first quarter of the year has traded in-line with the Board’s expectations and contracted revenue to date for our current financial year has grown to £2.0m.
“Since the announcement of our final results in July, the Company has made good progress towards the goals set out in the StereaxTM development roadmap. Our marketing activities have resulted in an increase in the number of customer disclosure agreements to around 50, including those covering the transfer of StereaxTM products for evaluation, bringing the Company ever closer to licensing agreements.
“The Board remains focused on the development and licensing of Ilika’s solid-state battery technology, investing in the StereaxTM roadmap, finalising manufacturing partnerships and ultimately securing licensing agreements for our StereaxTM technology.”
Ilika plc presentation
After the formal business of the AGM has come to an end, Graeme Purdy, will provide a short presentation to investors with an overview of progress and strategy. No new material will be disclosed in the presentation and it will be made available on the website today.