Ashtead Group plc 24.8% Potential Decrease Indicated by Berenberg Bank

Broker Ratings

Ashtead Group plc using EPIC/TICKER code (LON:AHT) had its stock rating noted as ‘Reiteration’ with the recommendation being set at ‘SELL’ today by analysts at Berenberg Bank. Ashtead Group plc are listed in the Industrials sector within UK Main Market. Berenberg Bank have set their target price at 2150 GBX on its stock. This indicates the analyst believes there is a potential downside of -24.8% from today’s opening price of 2860 GBX. Over the last 30 and 90 trading days the company share price has increased 96 points and increased 187 points respectively. The 52 week high for the share price is currently at 2895 GBX while the 52 week low is 1010 GBX.

Ashtead Group plc has a 50 day moving average of 2,690.47 GBX and a 200 Day Moving Average share price is recorded at 2,437.05. There are currently 449,309,833 shares in issue with the average daily volume traded being 871,096. Market capitalisation for LON:AHT is £12,994,040,370 GBP.

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