Antofagasta plc (LON:ANTO) has announced that on 15 August severe sea swells overturned a construction platform working on the marine works of the Los Pelambres desalination plant project. There has been no significant environmental impact or damage to the works, and some of the equipment and materials lost have been recovered. However, the swells have continued which have impeded further recovery work and the Chilean environmental authority, the SMA, has required on 9 September that as a precautionary measure marine works should be placed on hold until the clean-up of the remaining sunk equipment carrying fuel or lubricants is progressed such that any risk of environmental impact is removed.
The recovery of the lost equipment and materials is underway and is expected to be completed once weather conditions improve. To date, there has been no material impact to the expected completion date of the overall desalination plant project.
The site is being closely monitored for any potential environmental impact and teams are on standby to take action if required.
Antofagasta is a Chilean multinational. It is one of the most important conglomerates of Chile with equity participation in Antofagasta Minerals, the railroad from Antofagasta to Bolivia, Twin Metals in Minnesota and other exploration joint ventures in different parts from the world.