Alien Metals remain focused on delivering long-term value

Alien Metals

Alien Metals Ltd (LON:UFO), a minerals exploration and development company, has announced its financial results for the six months ended 30 June 2023.  The full Interim Results, with accompanying notes, are available on the Company’s website:

Guy Robertson, Executive Director – Finance of Alien, commented: After being appointed Executive Director – Finance earlier this year, I am pleased to share our Interim Results for the first six months of 2023.

“Over the last half of the year, we have made significant progress across our portfolio, with particular highlights including the acquisition of Mallina Exploration Pty Ltd, providing us with a strategic tenement holding at the Hancock Iron Ore Project and the publication of the Maiden Ore Reserves at Hancock.

“The completion of the Maiden Ore Reserves at our Hancock Iron Ore Project declared 1.9 million tonnes (“Mt“) at 60.2% Iron (“Fe“) and an update to our JORC Resource to 9.1Mt at 60.3% Fe. This was a significant milestone for the Company, as it built confidence for the potential of Direct Ship Iron Ore (“DSO”) at Hancock and allowed us to commence the updated Study works.

“In addition, our agreement with Mallina Exploration Pty Ltd to expedite the acquisition of the E 47/5001 tenement (“Mallina Tenement“), which adjoins our Hancock Iron Ore Project, strengthens our project portfolio. The tenement offers direct strategic access to the Great Northern Highway, an advantage that further enhances the viability of the Hancock Iron Ore project.

“We were also pleased to report that we have received fixed price tender responses from the primary subcontractors for the Hancock Iron Ore project development. Our immediate focus is to secure all necessary approvals and permits to have our Mining Lease and Mining Licence granted to allow production to commence in 2024.

“The successful completion of the resource definition drilling programme at the Hancock Iron Ore Project brings us closer to our goal of transitioning from explorer to developer and operator. We anticipate a further upgrade to the Ore Reserves once our geological experts update the mining model.

“At Elizabeth Hill, our latest exploration efforts have identified potential for an extensive high-grade silver-rich polymetallic orebody. The reinterpretation of the geological model and the re-examination of historical data have expanded the known mineralisation area, suggesting a more expansive mineralised system at the surface. Analytical results from the drillholes have identified the potential for Nickel (“Ni“), Copper (“Cu“) and other key future facing metals at Elizabeth Hill. Our recent drilling activities have also confirmed extensions to the main silver (“Ag“) lode. This new geological understanding, coupled with promising results from our exploratory drilling, suggests the original high-grade narrow Ag vein may merely be the core of a larger mineralised halo.

“Post period, we have been busy at Hancock where we unveiled our latest set of assay results which have indicated significant intersections of consistent grades exceeding 60% Fe, aligning with the Company’s current resource model. The results have further strengthened our confidence in the Hancock Project’s viability. We have also identified the potential for DSO at the Mallina Tenement next to the Hancock Project. This area has shown evidence of high-grade rock chip samples with more than 60% Fe emphasising the promising potential for further exploration of the tenement.

“The past half year has seen considerable advances in our Australian projects. Our ongoing commitment to exploration and development readiness contributes to our promising growth potential. We look forward to sharing our progress over the remainder of the year as we continue to focus on value creation for our shareholders.”

Appointments and Resignations

During the Period:

1.   Guy Robertson was appointed as Executive Chairman on 26 April 2023.

2.    Jo Battershill resigned as Non-Executive Director of Alien Metals on 26 April 2023.

3.    Mr. Rod McIllree resigned as an Executive Director on 30 June 2023.

Post Period:

1.  Alwyn Vorster joined the Company as Non-Executive Chairman in August 2023. He brings with him a wealth of experience from the iron ore sector.

2.   Guy Robertson transitioned from his role as Executive Chairman to Executive Director – Finance in August 2023.

3. Elizabeth Henson was appointed as Independent Non-Executive Director in August 2023. Ms. Henson, an international lawyer, has extensive experience in corporate governance and professional services.

4.  Troy Whittaker was appointed as Chief Executive Officer (non-board) of Alien Metals in August 2023. Previously acting as Interim CEO since December 2022, Mr. Whittaker brings over two decades of experience from the mining industry.

5.    Mark Culbert resigned as a Director on 4 August 2023.

6.    Dan Smith resigned as a Director on 6 September 2023.

Financial Highlights

In the six months ended 30 June 2023, Alien Metals made an operating loss of US$1.6 million (30 June 2022: US$1.4 million) and a basic and diluted loss per share of US$0.031 (30 June 2022: US$0.031).

During the Period, Alien announced a short-term funding facility of up to US$1 million, with the potential for an additional US$1 million through exercised warrants.

The Post Period saw the Company confirm the successful completion of a fundraise, generating a total of £2 million by placing 1,000,000,000 new Common Shares.

Following the successful fundraise, the undrawn amounts from Tranche 1 and the full amount of Tranche 2 of the Convertible Securities were cancelled. 

Overview of Operations

Iron Ore Projects

Hancock Project

The Hancock Iron Ore Project is within 20 kilometres (“km“) of the established regional mining hub of Newman. The Hancock Project borders licences held by Fortescue Metals Group, Hancock Prospecting, BHP Billiton (Mount Whaleback), Hope Downs and Mineral Resources.

During the period the Company received fixed price tender responses from all suppliers that allows it to commence and progress an updated study in readiness for FID. The Company continues to progress all required approvals and permitting.

The Company announced a maiden compliant Ore Reserve for the Hancock Project in April 2023, highlighting ore reserves of 1.9Mt at 60.2% Fe and a mining inventory of 4.2Mt (inclusive of Ore Reserves) at 60.5% Fe. The updated JORC Mineral Resource Estimate (“MRE“) with a 58% cut-off grade delivered an Indicated Resource of 1.7Mt at 61.0% Fe and an Inferred Resource of 7.4Mt at 60.1% Fe. This Global Resource of 9.1Mt has a 60.3% Fe grade.

In May 2023, the Company finished its resource definition drilling programme at the Hancock Project. This drilling programme focused on the Company’s high-grade Sirius Deposit, which contains 6.7mt of the total 7.4mt Inferred Resource. Post the period, assay results were returned for the drilling campaign which highlighted significant intersections of high-grade iron ore (see post period notes). The Company continues to work with its independent and geological consultants to update the various resource, reserves and mining models.

In May 2023, Alien announced the successful fast-tracked purchase of Mallina Exploration Pty Ltd to expedite the acquisition of the adjoining E 47/5001 tenement. The tenement adjoins the proposed mining lease at Hancock Iron Ore Project and offers direct strategic access to the Great Northern Highway.

Post Period Events

Whilst significant developments were made at Hancock during the Period, significant developments were also made post period. On the 20th of July, our subsidiary Iron Ore Company of Australia Pty Ltd (“IOCA”), unveiled the assay results from its drilling programme at Hancock Iron Ore Project. The results indicate consistent grades exceeding 60% Fe, aligning with the Company’s current resource model.

In August 2023, preliminary investigations detailing the potential for DSO at the Mallina Tenement, next to the Hancock Project were identified. High-grade rock chip samples with more than 60% Fe were identified through historical review of prior exploration campaigns further highlighting the potential for exploration upside on the tenement. The geological make up of the tenement maps promisingly for iron ore discoveries with geological settings similar to IOCA’s Weeli Wolli iron ore formations and Boolgeeda iron ore formation with the ridge on the Hancock tenement (Ridge H), extending into the Mallina Tenement for several kms, a ridge that has previously delivered direct ship iron ore rock chip samples of over 60% Fe.

In August 2023, the company identified the requirement for an update to the 2021 Scoping Study. The updated study will optimise and enhance the mine plan, infrastructure designs, and finalise capital and operational costs as a result of the updated mineral resources and ore reserves. Mining Plus, a global engineering and consulting firm, has been appointed as the lead consultant for the study.

In parallel with the study, Alien Metals engaged its primary and preferred contractors to support these efforts through Early Contractor Involvement initiatives. REGROUP Australia were engaged as the preferred contractor to undertake the construction works, mining operations and haulage services for the Hancock Iron Ore Project. REGROUP is well-regarded for its expertise in civil construction, mining, and haulage, having handled projects surpassing A$100 million multiple times. With a significant fleet and prestigious clients like Newcrest Mining, Roy Hill, and Element 25, their selection will also aid in updating the Company’s financial model. REGROUP’s scope includes construction of an intersection at the Great Northern Highway and an access track to the mine site. They will also manage mining services and haulage from the mine site to the Utah Point at Port Hedland. This selection significantly reduces risks related to the Hancock Project.

Rapid Crushing & Screening Contractors Pty Ltd were engaged as the crushing and screening contractor for its Hancock Iron Ore Project. Rapid Crushing & Screening are a recognised leader in iron ore processing and hav previously partnered with industry giants such as Fortescue Metals Group.

Nickel, Copper, Platinum Group Elements (“PGE”), Silver & Base Metals

Elizabeth Hill, along with the Munni Munni PGM prospect lies within the Company’s Pinderi Hills province, a unified significant tenement holding of 180 square kilometres (“km2“) south of Karratha, a major Western Australian mining and industrial hub.

The Elizabeth Hill Silver Mine and deposit is a valuable part of the Pinderi Hills project area. The Company is the first single entity to own and consolidate the Munni Munni, Ni-PGM project, Elizabeth Hill project and the surrounding area (Pinderi Hills) into a single unified coherent tenement holding.

The Pinderi Hills area incorporates:

1.    Elizabeth Hill: The Elizabeth Hill project, historically Australia’s highest-grade silver deposit, is situated approximately 45km south of Karratha in the 61,000 square kilometres Achaean Pilbara Block of the Pilbara Craton. The project is well located, lying 40km from the deep-water port at Dampier and 8km from rail infrastructure. The known, major silver deposit at the Elizabeth Hill Mine Site, which has a non-compliant JORC 2004 Resource estimate of 4.05 million ounces (“Moz“) Ag at greater than 200 g/t Ag, and produced 1.2 Moz silver at 2,195 grams per tonne (“g/t“) and Ag (70.24 Oz/t Ag). The Elizabeth Hill Silver Project was mined between 1998 and 2000 via underground mining, primarily between the 62m and 102m levels. Ag production totalled approximately 16,800 tonnes of ore grading 2,195 g/t Ag (70.24 oz/t Ag) generating 1,170,000 ounces Ag, including some very large specimens of native Ag.

2.    Munni Munni: The Munni Munni PGE deposit historic JORC 2004 Resource estimate implied 24Mt @ 2.9g/t PGE and gold for 2.2Moz PGE and gold consisting of 1.14Moz Pd, 0.83Moz Pt, 152Koz Au and 76Koz rhodium.

3.    Several other deposits that are prospective for Platinum (“Pt“), Palladium (“Pd“), Rhodium (“Rh“), AgNi, Cu, Pb, Zn, all of which are metals that are required to support the push into renewable energy across the world.

At Elizabeth Hill, the Company was pleased to report the final assay results from four reverse circulation holes at Elizabeth Hill which demonstrated the geological model area of known mineralisation contains a potential extension of high-grade bulk tonne silver. These positive results included broad zones of Ni and Cu that align with an electromagnetic anomaly and an extension of Judy’s Reef. The findings suggest the presence of a new reef similar to Munni Munni’s significant Ferguson Reef.


Looking ahead, we remain focused on delivering long-term value for our shareholders by continuing to advance our exploration and development projects. We will focus on developing further our Hancock Iron Ore Project, especially in the wake of the milestones achieved during the last few months. We believe that the combined potential of these tenements in the mining licence could substantially increase the scale and longevity of our operations in the region. As seen via the announcements that we have put out on Hancock over the past few months, we are nearing production status at the site which will be transformative for the company once we finalise this. We will continue to prioritise safety, sustainability, and good governance in all our operations.

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