Maker (MKR) investors will be aware of a 54.75% price increase from what it was yesterday with it’s value now at $1,709.39 compared to a rise of 34.2% over the last 7 days. In terms of BTC volume 185.55 and $2,113,330 has been traded over the last 24 hours. The coin is ranked number 34 and has a market capitalisation of $1,056,792,368. There are at the moment 618,228 Maker coins in circulation.
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Cindicator (CND) investors have seen the 117.89% coin price increase from what it was the same time on the previous day with a price tag of $.18 this compares to it’s rise of 44.69% over a 1 week period. In terms of BTC volume 21,846.36 and $248,818,000 has been traded over the last 24 hours. The coin has a ranking as number 102 and has a current market capitalisation of $264,077,259. There are at the moment 1,445,976,590 Cindicator coins in circulation.
SuperNET (UNITY) investors should be aware of the 55.12% value increase from what it was this time yesterday with a current price tag of $189.53 this compares to an increase of 107.91% over the 7 day period. Volume in terms of BTC 1.04 and $11,875 has been traded over the 24 hour period. The coin is ranked number 137 and has a market cap of $154,668,815. There are at the moment 816,061 SuperNET coins in circulation.
I/O Coin (IOC) traders may have seen the 38.23% price increase from what it was 24 hours ago it’s price now at $6.04 this compares to it’s increase of 19.78% over the last week. Volume in terms of BTC 178.96 and $2,038,270 has been traded over the past day. The coin has a ranking as number 182 and now has a market capitalisation of $99,487,763. There are at the moment 16,481,280 I/O Coin coins in circulation.
Everex (EVX) investors will have noticed the 26.47% price increase from what it was 24 hours ago with a current price tag of $4.72 this compares to a climb of 10.76% over the 7 day period. In terms of BTC volume 1,485.5 and $16,919,000 has been traded over the last 24 hours. The coin is ranked number 208 and has a current market capitalisation of $77,845,350. There are at the moment 16,500,000 Everex coins in circulation.
HelloGold (HGT) investors will note the 200.8% coin price increase from what it was yesterday this time with a current price tag of $.26 this compares to a rise of 342.74% over the last 7 days. In terms of BTC volume 144.13 and $1,641,520 has been traded over the past day. The ranking position for the coin is number 219 and has a current market capitalisation of $69,364,080. There are at the moment 263,034,654 HelloGold coins in circulation.
Peerplays (PPY) traders should be aware of a 44.41% coin price increase from what it was the same time on the previous day with it’s value now at $12.07 compared to it’s increase of 1.6% over the 7 day period. Volume in terms of BTC .17 and $1,971 has been traded over the 24 hour period. The coin is ranked number 276 and now has a market capitalisation of $47,693,153. There are currently 3,950,463 Peerplays coins in circulation.
eBitcoin (EBTC) traders may be aware of a 47.04% price increase from what it was yesterday with a price tag of $.50 this compares to it’s rise of 26.55% over the last week. In terms of BTC volume 14.17 and $161,379 has been traded over the past day. The coin is ranked number 522 and has a market cap of $9,394,385. There are currently 18,897,126 eBitcoin coins in circulation. This data was taken at 19/01/2018 08:09:21.